
English paper 8

I read "Okada to meet Clinton before Diet session".

I translated this article.

The Japanese and U.S. governments are making final adjustments to organize a meeting between Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton before the ordinary Diet session starts on Jan. 18.

Administrative Vice Foreign Minister Mitoji Yabunaka spoke with U.S. Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg at Foggy Bottom on Tuesday. According to Yabunaka, Okada plans to visit the United States soon for talks with Clinton.

Yabunaka said he explained the government's policy of considering an alternative site to relocate the U.S. Marine Corps' Futenma Air Station at a committee on U.S. military bases in Okinawa set up by the government and the ruling parties.





English paper 7

I read "Japan’s Ishikawa looking foward to Masters".

I translated this article.

Japanese teenager Ryo Ishikawa says he has added focus for the upcoming golf season after receiving his invitation to return to this year's U.S. Masters.

"I've been waiting for this moment," Ishikawa said Tuesday. "It's a huge relief to get this (invitation) again and it gives me an immediate sense of purpose at the start of a new year."

Ishikawa, 18, received his Masters invitation Monday and proudly showed it to reporters at Narita Airport before departing for the Royal Trophy tournament in Thailand.

Ranked 30th in the world, Ishikawa went to the 2009 Masters on a sponsor's invitation in April and played alongside Tiger Woods at the British Open in July.







I tried TANGORIKI.http://www.tangoriki.com/

I reviewed that I mistook words.

I made English sentence.

teller・・・The teller asked to see the customers bankbook.

rusty・・・I use rusty nails.

accessible・・・I live an accessible house from the station.

dialect・・・I speak in dialect.

aboriginal・・・Aboriginal group live in Australia.


English paper 6

I read "Japanese teen secures Olympic berth"

I translated this article.

Fifteen-year-old Miho Takagi become the youngest Japanese speedskater to make an Olympic squad.

Takagi won the race with a time of 1 minute, 59.47 seconds Wednesday to become the first junior high school student in Japanese speedskating to make an Olympic team.

Takagi finished third in the 3,000 meters on Monday and third in the 1,000 on Tuesday.

Takagi, a third-year student at Satusnai Middle School, will join Sayuri Yoshii and Nao Kodaira on Japan's speedskating team for Vancouver.





English paper 5

I tried Daily Yomiuri Online.http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/dy/

I read "Hatoyama opens 'Hato Cafe'blog,twitter account".

I transelated this article.

Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama has begun blogging at his "Hato Cafe" Web site and started to use Twitter, a Web communication tool for posting one's opinions and reading those of other people.

Hatoyama aims to directly communicate with citizens through the sites. Hatoyama had reportedly said he would occasionally check opinions of the public posted on the Web sites of the Prime Minister's Office.

His first "Hato Cafe" blog post appeared at 10:30 a.m. Friday and included a photo he took of the morning sky at the prime minister's residence on New Year's Day.

In the blog, he wrote, "I'm going now to attend the ceremony at the Imperial Palace to celebrate the New Year." Some observers said the prime minister should not reveal his schedule on the Web sites for security reasons.







I tried TANGORIKI.http://www.tangoriki.com/

My score was good.But I reviewed that I mistook words.

I made English sentence.

uncover・・・I uncovered a box.箱のふたをとる。

jellyfish・・・I was stung by a jellyfish in summer.私は夏にくらげに刺された。

craze・・・Long hair is the latest craze among the girls in this town.

English paper 4

I tried Daily Yomiuru Online.

I read "Noguchi starts research on ISS".

I translated this article.

Astronaut Soichi Noguchi, currently aboard the International Space Station, has begun an experiment in Japan's Kibo laboratory module.

The project involves growing a "space garden" of mint, dandelions and other plants. On Tuesday, he photographed himself watering the plants.

The space garden experiment was requested by Associate Prof. Shiro Matsui of Kyoto City University of Arts.

Noguchi will water the plants by injection every 10 days and chart their growth for about two months. In February, when the plants are expected to be flourishing, Noguchi plans to host a garden viewing event on Kibo.



