
English paper 5

I tried Daily Yomiuri Online.http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/dy/

I read "Hatoyama opens 'Hato Cafe'blog,twitter account".

I transelated this article.

Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama has begun blogging at his "Hato Cafe" Web site and started to use Twitter, a Web communication tool for posting one's opinions and reading those of other people.

Hatoyama aims to directly communicate with citizens through the sites. Hatoyama had reportedly said he would occasionally check opinions of the public posted on the Web sites of the Prime Minister's Office.

His first "Hato Cafe" blog post appeared at 10:30 a.m. Friday and included a photo he took of the morning sky at the prime minister's residence on New Year's Day.

In the blog, he wrote, "I'm going now to attend the ceremony at the Imperial Palace to celebrate the New Year." Some observers said the prime minister should not reveal his schedule on the Web sites for security reasons.





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