

Today, My group introduced English website for Listening.

Please use English website for Listening!!

I was interested in Reading. English website for Reading was introduced in detail.

so, I will use English website for Reading.

Another, I was learned English site of a game.

I think that it is interesting.

Next, I want to use various English website!!



Today, I was studying English all the day.
Because I will take TOEIC test the day after tomorrow.
Particularly, I was listening test and Grammer.
From now,I plan to learn TOEIC vocabulary.
Someday I want to introduce my favorite English text.

dissipate 散らす
multinational 多国籍の
promotional 宣伝用の
pharmaceutical 薬剤の
genetic engineering 遺伝子工学



I am studying TOEIC test.
I use workbook of TOEIC.
Today, I try to use 英辞朗 web site.
This site is useful !!
Because It is many example sentence and colorful dictionary.
There are new word.

And, I looked up TOEIC word in 英辞朗.

unemployment 失業手当
unacceptable 受け入れがたい
expense 費用
outskirt 郊外
with regard to ~によると
grocerry 食料品
baiting えさをあげる
toast かんぱい



I am learning vocaburary.

Because I will take TOEIC exam this month.

I amnot good at listening and reading.

I must study English hard.